Isaiah 43:18-19

God is faithful! Maybe you’ve heard this expression before or read it somewhere. However, there are certain moments in our life that we look at the circumstances around us and they are so contrary to this statement that we feel our faith shaken. We start thinking that God has forgotten about us and we start looking into the future with fear.

In those moments, under difficult circumstances, we need to recall what brings us hope because the Lord is our inheritance and we hope in Him! (Lamentations 3:24).

Don’t feel discouraged. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. He will create a pathway in your desert because His plans for your life are better than your own plans. He has no limitations and is never late!

God has a new time in your life for you! Trust Him, seek Him, pray to the Lord daily and constantly. He desires to hear your voice! In midst of all the challenges you may be facing, God is even more willing to leave His mark and trail of faithfulness along the way. He will always be with you when you turn to Him.

We have a limited vision. We cannot guarantee we will survive beyond today and be alive tomorrow continuing on with our daily activities. So, let the Lord Jesus Christ help you and guide your life with love. Open your heart to Him if you haven’t already done so. If you are not sure how to do that, send us a Prayer Request today and we will help you with your next step.

It does not matter if you’ve had a good or bad past. Live your present and let God take care of your future! God is faithful at all times because He cannot go against His own Word. Try Him today! Tomorrow might be too late…

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